Crystal Bath

Crystal Baths

Did you know that every one of us is made up of 70% water, just like Mother Earth, and did you know that Water, Humans and Crystals are all amazing conductors of energy, so what happens when you combine all three? You get amazing powerful results.

The healing energy of Crystals can be absorbed by holding them during meditations and blessings, but did you know a Crystal Bath is also an incredibly powerful way to absorb the healing energy of your crystals too?

Soaking in a bath with added Crystals, brings deep healing as the energy from the Crystal enters your skin. All your troubles can dissipate for a moment, your soul is rejuvenated, and your mind is cleared.

How often should you soak in a Crystal Bath?

Well, that really depends on you! If you feel like this is something you want to do every day, then why not! There is no limit to how many times you can heal with Crystals, the only rule for a Crystal Bath is to use these Water-Safe, Non-Toxic Crystals. But like all Crystals we use, do not forget to cleanse and recharge them on a regular basis.

Should I bathe at Night or Morning, which is best?

Again, this is up to you, if you are a “soak at night person”, then keep up that tradition, but do not be afraid to mix up your routine from time to time. You will instinctively know which one of your Crystals work best at night and day, but keep in mind, your Crystal will react to your mood.

Here is a quick tip, for those days when you don’t have time to soak for 15 to 20 minutes and need a little pick me up from a Crystal, place your Water-Safe Crystal in a Organza Bag and tie it to your Shower Head to complete a quick ritual. Remember to set your intention and repeat your affirmation the same as your Soak.

Try to make a Crystal Bath your new ritual at least once a week. Set an intention before you immerse yourself into your Self-Care time and you will be amazed by the difference a Crystal Bath will make.


What do you need to create a Crystal Bath?

  1. Choose a Crystal: You will need to select a water-safe Crystal for your bath. Below I have a few Crystals and there meaning for you to choose from.
  2. Prepare your Bath: Run the Water for your Bath, remember the temperature is also important. Get your Candles lit and ready, Bath Salts or Essential Oils placed in the Water. Also do not forget your Herbs and Flowers for a nice alternative.
  3. Enter and Relax: Slowly climb into your Bath with your Crystals in hand and soak for 15 to 20 minutes.
  4. Set your Intention: This is the time when you can focus on your Life Goals, Ambitions, Wishes and Healing Intentions. Keep these in your Minds Eye and imagine you are living them.
  5. Say an Affirmation: Just before you finish your soak, repeat your affirmation, I have a small list below or you could create your own:
  • Self-Love – I am worthy of Love and Attention.
  • Happiness – I have so much to be grateful for in my Life.
  • Protection – I am safe and secure.
  • Ambition – I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
  • Healing – My Mind and Body knows how to heal from within.

Water Safe Crystals


Some Crystals are toxic and should not be immersed in water with you, while some Crystals do not like Water and may dissolve when immersed in Water. These Crystals (Toxic and Water fearing) should also never be made into Elixirs. I have a small list of Crystals that are perfect for your Crystal Bath:


Amethyst is the perfect stone for a Crystal Bath, it is a powerful stone with amazing detoxification properties. A great stone to use to cleanse yourself of Mental and Physical exhaustion.


Clear Quartz is a powerful Healing Stone, it has a positive energy about it and will rub off onto you when placed into your Crystal Bath.


Rose Quartz is the Heart Healing Stone, it will fill your Heart with happiness and bring a calming / relaxing feel to your Crystal Bath. Rose Quartz is an emotional cleanser, flushing the Heart of old love and bringing in new love.


Citrine brings positive energy, joy, and happiness. Place Citrine into your Crystal Bath for a boost if your feeling drained and tired. Citrine is also a magnet for prosperity and abundance.


Tiger Eye is a grounding stone, it can help to declutter the mind and revitalises the thought process. Tiger Eye helps with motivation and success. Tiger Eye is good to help you let off steam, especially when you have a lot on your plate.


Aventurine helps remove Mental Blocks. It is extremely good for easing tension throughout the Body. Aventurine is also particularly good for creativity and enhances imagination.


Carnelian washes out Mental and Physical exhaustion or for removing a heart-breaking event. It can reset us emotionally, stirring our Inner energy. It is good for reconnecting you with your true feelings and gives you a renewed zest for life feeling.


Just one more little tip for you. If you are new to Crystal Baths, I suggest you start with one Crystal at a time. Beginners will not know how the Crystal will make you feel, and we do not want you to feel a little light-headed or dizzy from too much Crystal Energy. Using one Crystal at a time also helps you to focus in on a specific healing and intention. I also feel that adding too many Crystals to a Bath, leads to Crystal Chaos, so try to limit your selection to around 3 and no more.


After your Crystal Bath is finished, do not forget to remove your Crystals from the Bath, dry them off and I would recommend cleansing and recharging them straight away.  A quick cleanse and recharge is to place them onto a bed of Rock Salt for 10-15 minutes and then place them onto a Selenite Charging Plate for 30 minutes.


I hope this blog has inspired you to take Crystal Bath and make them part of your new ritual for Self-Care.


Blessed Be

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