
  • Native American Spirit Animal Astrology

    Native American culture has always been heavily influenced by Mother Nature and they hold Nature as a sacred part of life. The core philosophy of N...
  • Guardian Angels

    Guardian Angels are there to protect and assist us in living our highest outcomes in life. They can help us in three ways:  They give us protecti...
  • Spirit Animals

    In many cultures there is a belief that we travel our life path with Spirit Guides along side us, this even includes Animals. Spirit Animals are al...
  • Grounding - A Beneficial Spiritual Practice

    Grounding, also known as Earthing, is a process of being balanced, centred, and connected electrically to the energies of Mother Earth. It is a sim...
  • Pendulums - Your Spiritual Guide to Answers

    Pendulum Ah, the humble Pendulum, a tool of insight, guidance, and spiritual healing, this small, yet immensely powerful tool has been used by Psyc...
  • Gem Elixirs

    So, what is a Gem Elixir? Whether you call them Gem Elixirs, Crystal Essence Water, Crystal Tonic or Gem Water, the principle is the same, Gem Elix...
  • Crystal Bath

    Crystal Baths Did you know that every one of us is made up of 70% water, just like Mother Earth, and did you know that Water, Humans and Crystals a...
  • Herbal Teas and their health benefits

    For thousands of years, Herbal Teas in the East have been a key to good health, naturally. Over time, a cup of Herbal Tea each day can actually ma...
  • List of Potentially Toxic Stones and Crystals

    This is by NO means a comprehensive list of Stones and Crystals.   This is just an overview of Stones and Crystals that contain harmful components...
  • Divination – The Art of Insight

    Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of future events, gaining an insight to questions unknown or interpreting signs and symbols through...
  • The Grimoire - A book emerging from the shadows

    Say the words "Spell Book" to people and they will conjure images Witches Hats, Broomsticks and Black Cats, while uttering the words "Book of Shado...