Grounding - A Beneficial Spiritual Practice

Grounding, also known as Earthing, is a process of being balanced, centred, and connected electrically to the energies of Mother Earth. It is a simple transfer of electrons from the Earth into our bodies and vice versa. The electrical charges from the Earth can have a positive effect on the Physical and Spiritual Body.

There are so many benefits to Grounding from reducing aches and pains, improving sleep, or reducing anxiety and stress.

This can be done by simply going outside and sitting on the grass, or walking around on it barefoot, that simply connection to the Earth is grounding. Gardening is also another great way to ground yourself. You can use Crystals to help you with a grounding ritual.

Did you know that at the centre of the Earth there is a solid inner core of Iron, with a radius of approx. 1.220 Klms? Is there now any wonder why Crystals are good for grounding? Also, that would make the Core the biggest Crystal on Earth, right?

There are so many crystals to use in a grounding ritual from Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline to the most powerful grounding Crystal – Hematite.

When you are grounded, you have a neutral charge to your energy field, making your energy balanced. A well balanced, grounded Spirit helps you focus, stay calm and composed.

Grounding is not only good for the Physical and Spiritual Bodies, but has an effect on the Aura, when you are not grounded, the Aura can become vulnerable to little tears or rips and even leaks, which may end up causing dis-ease to the Body.


Not grounded, what are the signs?

Well, when was the last time you can honestly say you were focused, alert, happy, healthy and connected to the world around you all at once? If you said, “I can’t remember when!!” then chances are, you are ungrounded and in need of some attention.

There are some simply signs of not being grounded, they can be:

  • Spending too much time daydreaming or feeling spaced out.
  • Forgetfulness and a lack of focus.
  • Feelings of disconnection, confusion, restlessness, or anxiety.
  • Clumsiness, dropping things or even running into things.
  • Feeling physically, spiritually, mentally, or emotionally drained.
  • Constant Ill-Health.
  • Affected easily by the negative energies or moods of people around you.
  • Light-Headed, Dizzy, Queasy or Nausea before, during or after meditations or healing work.

The good news is there are so many ways you can ground yourself and regain control of Mind, Body, Spirit connection.


How do I ground myself?

There are a few ways you can simply ground yourself, some cost you nothing, some may cost a few dollars and other ways can cost thousands, so let look at a few ways, but first, if you are going to do some of these suggestions, I recommend “Unplugging” leave the Phone at home or in the car or turned off for a while.

Connecting to Earth: This one is so simple and will cost you nothing. Take off your shoes and walk out into either your Backyard or Front yard and stand in the grass. It is that simple. Standing in the grass is a direct connection to Mother Earth and her energies. It is kind of like an electrical outlet, you’re plugging yourself into the Earth and recharging. Try gardening too, plunging your hands into Mother Earth is a great way to ground yourself.

Walking / Hiking: Get out there and walk around in Nature. Go for a bushwalk, a stroll on the Beach or even walk through your local park. Not only are you grounding yourself, but you are getting some much-needed fresh air and if you take your walk on the Beach or near a Waterfall, the negative Ions coming from the water source is also beneficial to Mind, Body, Spirit. (Yes, negative Ions, they are the good ones).

Meditation: This is good for emotional grounding and does not have to cost you much, if anything at all. Meditation is easy, you don’t have to sit with your legs folded into positions only rubber figures like Gumby can do. The Yoga posture called “The Corpse” or “Savasana” is easy to do, it is simply lying down on your back.

Crystals: Ah, now this is the one I love the most. If you have the Crystals already in your Crystal First Aid kit, then this one will cost you nothing, if not, all you need are 2 – 3 stones and your set. Crystal Healing does not have to be done at a set time; you don’t have to set aside time for it. You can simply carry the grounding stones in your pocket during the day, to help ground you.

Chakra Balancing: This one may cost you a little more to get all the Crystals for the Body Layout, but believe me when I say, it is worth it. After a mini-Chakra balance, I feel so much better and connected to myself and the world around me. This can be done whenever you feel the need, I do this once a week. When our Chakra’s are in balance, energy flows through the Body better, making us better.


Good Crystals for Grounding.

Hematite – The most powerful grounding Crystal of all. Hematite is a protective stone, helping you to stay grounded in all kinds of situations. Holding a piece of Hematite in your hands can have an immediate affect on your energy. Hematite harmonises Mind, Body, Spirit, restoring peace and harmony to the Body.

Smoky Quartz – One of the most efficient grounding and anchoring stones. It has a strong link with the Earth and Root Chakra, it neutralises negative energy and brings positive vibrations in.

Red Jasper – The Supreme Nurturer, Jasper stimulates the Root Chakra, strengthens the connection to the Earth and grounds energy. Holding Red Jasper in your hands brings a “Down to Earth” feeling to you.

Black Tourmaline – One of the most efficient stones for creating a grounding circuit with the Earth’s energy field. Carrying or holding a piece of Black Tourmaline cleanses the Auric Field and can rid you of negative thoughts, anxieties and anger, a powerful purification which we all can use in these challenging times.

Moss Agate – This stone has wonderful grounding and balancing properties, helping you to connect to the Earth’s energy and the Devic Realm. (The Devic Realm is a connection to Animals, Nature, and the Planet. It is the spirits of Nature and Animals who dwell there). Moss Agate brings peace and stability to our physical domain.

Is there anything I should do after Grounding.

Most people just figure once they have grounded themselves, they should be good to go. But if you have done your grounding inside, there are a few things you should do after you ground yourself.

Even if you have done your grounding outside, this first one I recommend doing after every grounding.

  • Wash your hands in cool running water. The running water will boost your Body’s beneficial Negative Ions.
  • Clear the space of the negative discharged energy. This can be done by opening the windows and doors to allow the energy out and a Sage Smudge is a great way to remove this energy.
  • If you have used Crystals, cleanse them too. Crystals need to get rid of the negative energy too. A simple Sage Smudge is recommended for all Crystals.
  • Drink plenty of water after a grounding, this will flush out any residual negative energies and rehydrate your Body as well.


I really hope this blog has inspired you to go out and get grounded.

Check out our online store for our range of Crystals and Packs for Grounding.


Blessed Be!

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