Guardian Angels

Guardian Angels are there to protect and assist us in living our highest outcomes in life. They can help us in three ways: 

  1. They give us protection from danger or upsetting circumstances 
  1. They help us to live our best life by guiding and assisting where they can, this can be our dreams and goals in life 
  1. They are there to lift our spirits when we are feeling low and depressed 

Here’s what you should know about these Guides if your Birthday falls in July.

#20 Pahaliah

“With Love, I can create life” 

If you were born between the days of June 27th to 1st, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: God of redemption 

Physical Guardian for those born between June 27th to July 1st   

Soul Guardian for those born between 6:20am to 6:39am 

Gemstones: Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Malachite, Star Ruby 

Associated Tarot: Queen of Cups 

Related Chakra: Root and Solar Plexus 

Pahaliah is a Male Guardian Angel symbolising refusal, renouncement and letting go, His influence of people born under him have a connection with faith and the Divine, Spirituality is important to them, and they find themselves often being loyal to others and ready to make themselves useful when needed. 

Pahaliah is a Master of Religion, Theology and Morality, he helps to provide a harmonious spiritual life and helps us to face our difficulties and see that they are an opportunity to learn from them and to transform our fears and anxieties into bravery and courage.  

Reasons for invoking Pahaliah to help master passions or urges, to truly awaken your consciousness and enhance your spiritual calling or to give help when you are fighting for what you believe in and to offer you the resources needed to show others these revelations. 

To communicate with Pahaliah, light Nutmeg Incense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Pahaliah, cure me of past mistakes, 
of indulgence, suffering and restless wandering. 
Protect me from evil and guide me towards goodness. 
Reinforce my spirit, energy and trust,
Lead me towards happiness. 
Blessed Be 



#21 Nelchael

“Life is about learning” 

If you were born between the days of July 2nd to 6th, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: Unique God 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 2nd to 6th   

Soul Guardian for those born between 6:40am to 6:59am 

Gemstones: Chrysoprase, Fire Agate, Purple Fluorite, Star Ruby 

Associated Tarot: The Hanged Man 

Related Chakra: Root and Crown 

Nelchael is a Male Guardian Angel symbolising victory and knowledge, People born under his influence display an interest in studying and particularly like mathematics, poetry and literature. Nelchael often comes in support of people in solitude and helps to free up the mind.  

Nelchael helps you triumph over negative powers and yourself. Thanks to Nelchael, life’s uncertainties and worries seem to have less of a presence. Nelchael frees his followers from existential anguish. Nelchael also serves to protect against troublemakers, defends from spells and destroys the power of evil spirits. 

Reasons for invoking Nelchael to destroy the power of enemies. To protect you against slander and those who may take advantage of you. 

To communicate with Nelchael, light Frankincense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Nelchael, guide me toward happiness, 
Open my heart up to love and my mind to knowledge. 
Improve my concentration and awareness, 
So that I may outsmart the traps I encounter. 
May the world around me be a little safer. 
Blessed Be 


 #22 Ieiaiel

“We all come from the stars” 

If you were born between the days of July 7th to 11th, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: The Right Hand of God 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 7th to 11th  

Soul Guardian for those born between 7:00am to 7:19am 

Gemstones: Chrysoprase, Citrine, Jasper, Pearl  

Associated Tarot: Three of Cups 

Related Chakra: Root and Heart 

Ieiaiel is a Male Guardian Angel symbolising respect and reputation, People born under his influence are generous, kind and caring. They are also strong people and gifted problem solvers, especially with their own problems. Ieiaiel gives his followers the ability to see the difference between hypocrites and schemers and helps them surround themselves with sincere and honest people. 

Ieiaiel is a true messenger for justice, he ensures circumstances develop successfully, so that everyone’s rights are respected, and peace can prevail. He rules over fortune, diplomacy and commerce. He influences voyages, discoveries and maritime expeditions and protects against tempests and shipwrecks.  

Reasons for invoking Yeiayel, to encourage fortune and fame, he can help with your finances. A sense of solidarity and helping others is developed through the help of Ieiaiel. 

To communicate with Ieiaiel, light Storax Incense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Ieiaiel, ensure that my reputation allows me, 
to serve a noble cause that inspires me. 
Allow my adventurous soul to navigate through clear waters, 
and my strength, creativity and achievements to grow. 
Grant that I become Master of Circumstances 
So that I am seen as kind and fair, as above, so below. 
Blessed Be 



#23 Melahel

“I have the ability to heal whatever ails me” 

If you were born between the days of July 12th to 16th, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: God who delivers from Evil 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 12th to 16th  

Soul Guardian for those born between 7:20am to 7:39am 

Gemstones: Amber, Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Green Tourmaline, Star Ruby 

Associated Tarot: Four of Cups 

Related Chakra: Root and Throat 

Melahel is a Female Guardian Angel symbolising health and healing, People born under her influence are adventurous and like to travel, especially when danger may be involved. Melahel is an Angel of nature, she governs water and the produce of the Earth, especially plants necessary to cure disease, that is why those who are born under her like plants that have medicinal and curative properties. They are very good at protecting their own health in many ways and are drawn to heal those around them. 

Melahel brings health and helps you connect with nature; she acts as a benefactor of balance and offers good control of emotions in all situations. She protects you against weapons and brings safety when travelling. 

Reasons for invoking Melahel, she grants healing powers, allowing you to care and heal through plants. She grants peace and stability, helping you to control emotions better and adapt to all sorts of situations when required.  

To communicate with Melahel, light Mastic Incense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Melahel, protect me in times of travel 
From Earth, to Air, to Sea. 
Show me all that Mother Nature has to offer, 
and grant me the knowledge to use her plants to heal. 
As I heal myself with the Earth abundance 
So too can I help all the others who need to be healed. 
Blessed Be 



#24 Hahuiah

“We are all protected even in difficult times” 

If you were born between the days of July 17th to 22nd, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: God of genuine kindness 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 17th to 22nd  

Soul Guardian for those born between 7:40am to 7:59am 

Gemstones: Amber, Chrysoprase, Carnelian, Green Tourmaline, Star Ruby 

Associated Tarot: Knight of Wands 

Related Chakra: Root and Crown 

Hahuiah is a Female Guardian Angel symbolising protection, People born under her influence are genuine in what they say and do, because they appreciate the truth. Endurance and self-control are some of the character traits they possess, and they rely on their intuition to defend themselves when required.  

Hahuiah provides protection against things that may be dangerous. It is possible to repeal evil for justice to prevail under her wing.  She obtains grace and mercy from God. 

Reasons for invoking Hahuiah, she watches over you and protects those who are most weak, Hahuiah will help you avoid people that may try to bring harm to you, like burglars, spellbinders or even harmful animals. Hahuiah helps you to be forgiving and exercise self-control, as well as keeping your cool.  

To communicate with Hahuiah, light Myrrh and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Hahuiah, protect me from harm or danger 
Mercifully subject me to the laws and destiny, 
So that I can face my responsibilities without shying away. 
Unveil the correct door, that will lead me 
to discover my heritage, my future and my love. 
Blessed Be 



#25 Nithhaiah

“Dark magic exists, be careful... walk towards light” 

If you were born between the days of July 23rd to 27th, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: God who blesses with Wisdom 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 23rd to 27th  

Soul Guardian for those born between 8:00am to 8:19am 

Gemstones: Azurite, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite, Zircon 

Associated Tarot: The Magician 

Related Chakra: Sacral and Crown 

Nithhaiah is a Female Guardian Angel symbolising tranquility. People born under her protection are generous, give freely of themselves and love to help others. They are understanding and have been gifted with great mental strength and wisdom.  

Nithhaiah can increase wisdom, she helps you to understand time and the secrets of creation and spiritual forces. You can find an appropriate answer to almost all your requests with Nithhaiah. She discovers the truth hidden in mysteries and governs the occult sciences.  

Reasons for invoking Nithhaiah she is the Angel of tolerance, she gifts her followers with generosity and the ability to carry out selfless actions. Calling Nithhaiah, you can become more psychologically stable and physically stronger, she will help you face the world with greater serenity.  

To communicate with Nithhaiah, light Electra Incense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Nithhaiah, as you walk near to me, 
Your love lights my soul, 
Your wisdom accompanies me and floods my heart. 
I am guided by your love and strength, 
So that I can make just and informed choices 
I find peace and serenity in my journey towards the truth. 
Blessed Be 



#26 Haaiah

“Our dreams say at night, everything we can't during the day” 

If you were born between the days of July 28th to 1st, this is your Guardian Angel. 

Meaning: Hidden God 

Physical Guardian for those born between July 28th to 1st  

Soul Guardian for those born between 8:20am to 8:39am 

Gemstones: Azurite, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Sodalite, Zircon  

Associated Tarot: Five of Wands 

Related Chakra: Root and Sacral 

Haaiah is a Female Guardian Angel symbolising truth, People born under her influence will find the route towards truthfulness and will have the ability to effectively manage power. They will be well organised and know how to plan and respond effectively.  

Haaiah helps you find the authentic path that corresponds to you, she will help you to weigh the pros and cons before making big decisions, she helps to sooth anxieties and make you more productive in daily life. Haaiah rules over Politicians, Diplomats, Ambassadors and Peace Treaties and all contracts in general. She influences Couriers, Communication, Agents and secret expeditions.  

Reasons for invoking Haaiah to become wiser and more able to distinguish right from wrong. Haaiah is a counsellor who promotes common sense and will help alleviate anguish when you need it.  

To communicate with Haaiah, light Storax Incense and repeat this incantation: 

Angel Haaiah, look upon me as I bow to your light, 
Guide me from misfortune and misery, 
Fill me with wisdom to see 
the right from the wrong. 
Let the scales of judgement weigh heavy in the right decision 
As I struggle to find the correct choice 
Blessed Be 

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