Native American Spirit Animal Astrology

Native American culture has always been heavily influenced by Mother Nature and they hold Nature as a sacred part of life. The core philosophy of Native American Spirit Animals is connectivity. People are connected to the Universe, Stars, and to Nature, including Animals as a whole. 

If you are familiar with Western Astrology, you may want to know if Spirit Animal Astrology has a similar feel.  

The following is a list of Spirit Animals, their traits, Western Zodiac Sign and Desciption of each Zodiac Sign:  


1/ Falcon

Date: March 21 to April 19 
Element: Fire 
Western Zodiac: Aries 
Colour: Yellow / Green
Stone/Mineral: Opal 
Traits: Powerful, Spontaneous, Shrewd 
Compatible With: Salmon, Owl 

The Falcon is viewed as the fearless leader in Native American Astrology. This creature is powerful, clear-eyed, and is not afraid of the turbulent winds of life. The Falcon Totem can be symbolic of victory, strength, and heroism. 

Falcon People are born leaders with their ability to clearly look through the fogginess of a situation. They can weigh the pros and cons of any undertaking and are extraordinarily successful when it comes to getting a clear shot at their aim. They are persistent, stubborn, and confident. They will not hesitate to initiate anything that seems right to them.  

On the negative side, Falcons tend to be quite self-opinionated at times, and who could blame them, for they are gifted in this area. If they fail to find a positive environment where their actions are appreciated, they tend to become highly impatient, rude, and adamant, which may not prove to be fruitful eventually, especially when it comes to their personal relationships. 

The Falcon as a spirit animal will help you connect to spirits beyond. You will be able to know yourself better regarding what you can and cannot do. Falcon people are independent and like to ride solo most of the time. They strategically sit back and wait at the right time for opportunities to be presented before them. Its spirit guide could appear to you when you need to calculate the steps leading to your goals. The lesson here is that you should channel all your energy in one direction. If you do this with precision, you should attain your desired results. 


2/ Beaver

Date: April 20 to May 20 
Element: Fire and Air 
Western Zodiac: Taurus  
Colour: Blue / Yellow 
Stone/Mineral: Jasper / Hematite 
Traits: Practical, Hardworking, Reliable 
Compatible With: Bear, Woodpecker, Goose 

The Beaver is highly strategic when it comes to digging underground tunnels and structures to create a safe haven for itself, free from the hardships and troubles of the outside world. The same is said to those born under this Animal sign, they believe in acquiring material possessions to live a comfortable life, free from misery and limitations. They will use their heads while making decisions and tend to go with the already established norms, because they don’t like to take risks. 

But beware, Beavers do have a cunning side to them, while they can soar high in ambitions, they can also become authoritative, for which they do get into some trouble over this trait. They may become excessively cowardly, nervous, and desperate if they tend to control a situation, it is not easy for Beaver to let go, which can lead them to become resentful and scheming at times.  

The common sense of the Beaver is the possibility of turning one’s vision into reality, but hardwork is needed to realise such dreams. Beavers will always insist on the need for good functional teamwork and the need for the support of their loved ones to help them make it in life.        


2/ Deer / Stag

Date: May 21 to June 20 
Element: Fire and Earth 
Western Zodiac: Gemini 
Colour: Blue / Yellow 
Stone/Mineral: Agate 
Traits: Intelligent, Conversationalist, Moody 
Compatible With: Raven, Otter 

The Deer / Stag is a symbol of several things. The Deer / Stag is an enchanter that grabs everyone’s attention. It is admirable for its looks, sharp senses, and swiftness. In many traditions, the deer symbolizes spiritual authority. The antlers are one of the main characteristics that have made the Deer / Stag a spirit animal. Naturally, they outgrow the body and aim for the sky, rendering it sacred.  

Deer / Stag people have the characteristics of gentleness, softness, and kindness. In many ways, humans are inspired by the values and symbols of the deer totem because of its antler, agility, stare, and speed. 

Deer / Stag are amazing friends, conveying their humor and liveliness to the lives of others, on the downside, they can become quite lazy, selfish, impatient, demanding, and undependable. Being an equivalent to the western zodiac symbol, Gemini, these people can show their two-faced personality quite often due to their constant mood swings. 

You will hardly find this creature steady in one place, it is always on the move, just as the people born under this sign. Deer / Stag people are highly inquisitive in nature, which compels them to constantly move from one place to the other. They are also very particular about their appearance and tend to be well-groomed. 


4/ Woodpecker

Date: June 21 to July 22 
Element: Water 
Western Zodiac: Cancer  
Colour: Pink 
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian / Rose Quartz 
Traits: Protective, Sensitive, Supportive 
Compatible With: Snake, Wolf, Beaver 

Woodpeckers are known to provide the perfect nest for their offspring that consists of anything and everything that they need to thrive. This is the same for the Cancerian. They are highly protective and supporting, playing the part of the much-needed listeners who empathize and understand with love and patience. The Woodpecker are totally devoted to their loved ones and will shower all their love and care to them without fail. However, they can be overly protective and jealous from time to time. 

A Woodpecker person can deliver compelling speeches as they have splendid communication skills. This works to their advantage as they can find a solution to every challenge presented to them.  

Although the Woodpecker is the most supportive and romantic of all the Zodiacs, their extremely sensitive nature can also make a thriving environment quite smothering. They are best to be with when their situation is well secure. A defeated or unsuccessful Woodpecker is likely to peck into your life without realising they are doing this and without limits. The negative traits that may show in these times include possessiveness, anger, resentment, and jealousy. 


5/ Salmon

Date: July 23 to August 22 
Element: Fire and Water 
Western Zodiac: Leo  
Colour: Red 
Stone/Mineral: Carnelian 
Traits: Proud, Energetic, Confident 
Compatible With: Owl, Falcon 

Those born under the Salmon Totem are known to have traits of being highly determined, focused, and enthusiastic about their goals and ambitions. Their willpower is unvanquishable, and so is their power to influence others. They will easily spark the spirit of others and make them a part of their quests in life. They are also highly creative and friendly in nature, and always find the kind of moral support that they need in their lives. In a good environment, they can be quite generous, helpful, and loving. 

However, Salmon peoples also possess the negative traits of being egocentric, obnoxious, and intolerant towards the need of others. In such situations, it is natural for others to lose their faith in those belonging to this sign, which in turn ends up hurting the salmon’s ego furthermore. 

The Native Americans take inspiration from the Salmon in many ways, one of them being the difficult journey it takes in its lifetime to find the perfect spot for reproduction. It does not matter the kinds of odds that are stack against the Salmon, all they need to do is channel the energy of their Salmon spirit animal and they can conquer their fears but remember the Salmon Spirit animal also reminds you that hurdles are normal and should not be a hindering factor in life. 


6/ Brown Bear

Date: August 23 to September 22 
Element: Earth and Water 
Western Zodiac: Virgo  
Colour: Brown, Purple 
Stone/Mineral: Topaz 
Traits: Practical, Modest, Dutiful 
Compatible With: Goose, Beaver 

The Brown Bear is looked upon by Native lore as a creature who is methodical, intuitive, and level-headed. People born under the Brown Bear are great mentors, especially when it comes to making others listen to the voice of reason. The practical and modest demeanour of these people makes them great confidants as they are always able to understand and decipher the key details of a coiled-up situation.  

They are also very generous and giving to those they love and care for. They have a big-heart, patient attitude, and an intellectual and inquisitive mind. They have great analytical abilities which makes them great advisers. They are also protective of their personal space and do not like when other Bears and animals want to threaten their peace. 

On the other hand, Bears do tend to be lazy at times. They can also be quite a bit of an introvert and skeptical, which may prevent them from exploring their inquisitiveness towards their surroundings. A negative experience in life may force them to hibernate away from mainstream society, where they live secluded in bitterness. 


7/ Raven

Date: September 23 to October 22 
Element: Earth and Air 
Western Zodiac: Libra  
Colour: Brown, Blue 
Stone/Mineral: Jasper 
Traits: Peace-loving, Friendly, Diplomatic 
Compatible With: Otter, Deer

Ravens are known to balance the extremities of two sides. The Native Americans believed the Raven began its life as a white bird. As the Raven grew, some wrong actions and sacrifices changed its colour from white to black. Hence, this totem is also symbolic of our outer self as well as inner self.  

Those born under this Zodiac are peace-loving creatures who strive for harmony and unity in the environment. They often act as the wise elders of the group, whom others look up to for opinions and advice. They are good at avoiding and resolving conflicts, which is why they share good terms with everybody. 

The Raven is talkative, certainly, and is recognized by ornithologists to be gifted on the communicative level within the group, which coincides with the sociability of Libra. 

On the downside of their personality, their diplomacy may seem unappealing to many. Also, the otherwise easy-going and charming Raven may, under demanding situations, become quite spiteful, harsh, demanding, and inconsistent in nature. 

Native Americans regarded the Raven as the one who had ordained the World, created light, fire and water. They also believed that he could see beyond appearances through his intuition and that, carrying magic, he could return the negative energies.  


8/ Snake

Date: October 23 to November 21 
Element: Water 
Western Zodiac: Scorpio  
Colour: Violet, Orange 
Stone/Mineral: Amethyst / Malachite 
Traits: Impulsive, Secretive, Spiritual 
Compatible With: Woodpecker, Wolf 

Snakes are known for being secretive, so you may not know the whole story, but they are incredible secret keepers and make the best listeners, so they make the best people to confide in when you need to talk.  

Those born under this Zodiac are spiritual beings, always finding themselves connected to the Ethereal elements of this world. When they have a positive outlook towards others, Snakes are extremely loving, caring, and supportive to the needs of others.  

Snakes are associated with the spirit world and have certain healing powers. Many Medical Professionals, including carers and healers are born under this sign. 

On the downside make sure you do not wrong a Snake because their anger can be terrible. They can be highly vengeful, violent, and emotionally unstable in their actions when pushed into a corner. Snakes can be a challenge to understand, which is why they doubted their actual intentions.  

The Snake has the ability to shed its skin and rejuvenate, which can be misinterpreted by others to be emotional detachment. You may fear a Snake, but you may not be aware of their deep emotions, their challenge however is not to attract a crisis that asks for constant change, but they need to strive for some form of stability and structure.  


9/ Owl

Date: November 22 to December 21 
Element: Earth and Fire 
Western Zodiac: Sagittarius  
Colour: Gold, Black 
Stone/Mineral: Obsidian 
Traits: Adventurous, Broadminded, Independent 
Compatible With: Falcon, Salmon 

Owls are admired for many of their unique qualities, including their ability to see clearly in the dark. This is part of the reason people born under the Owl have the potential to gain immense wisdom and philosophical enlightenment in life, as they too can see through the darkness. 

Those born under this Zodiac are among some of the wisest and are restless seekers of knowledge and truth. They can be enigmatic characters, but they are extremely clear-sighted, and are able to cut through the confusion to see things as they really are.  

The Owl Clan are very friendly, great listeners and are exceptionally good at imparting advice, but you need to be careful when dealing with the Owl, sometimes they can become careless, selfish, and reckless. 

On the downside Owls are unlikely to suffer fools kindly and when asked for advice, they will give it as direct as possible, without messing you around.  


10/ Goose

Date: December 22 to January 21 
Element: Earth and Air 
Western Zodiac: Capricorn  
Colour: Silver, White 
Stone/Mineral: Quartz / Peridot 
Traits: Dependable, Ambitious, Methodical 
Compatible With: Beaver, Bear, Raven 

The Goose Totem Animal is admired for its ambitiousness and reliability. These people are never troubled by external forces. They are also very methodical in their way of living. These people make great business leaders and are known for their practicality and seriousness, especially when it comes to work. Towards their family and loved ones, they can be highly generous and kind, ensuring that they provide their loved ones with all the resources, be it tangible or intangible. 

Although they are perfect in every way, the other side of their character is that in an unfruitful environment, these people may live in the darkness of their inner self. Also, because these people are extremely ambitious, it is likely that when in a rut, they may lose their emotional side and lead a very practical and mechanical life. 

It is in their nature to be friendly and enjoy being around people most if the day. They try their best not to isolate themselves from family or friends and can be empathetic and help others through good and tough times.  


11/ Otter

Date: January 20 to February 18 
Element: Air 
Western Zodiac: Aquarius  
Colour: Silver 
Stone/Mineral: Turquoise, Jade 
Traits: Friendly, Independent, Unconventional 
Compatible With: Deer, Raven, Falcon 

The Otter is a very unconventional creature, who behaves differently than its closest kin, the Weasel. Otters like to give themselves a sense of freedom and time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Vacations help them to clear their minds and give them time to rejuvenate, especially for those who take care of others, this is their time to take care of themselves. 

Those born under this symbol are generally remarkably similar to this totem. They are highly creative, independent, and friendly. They tend to view life in a way that is rarely understood by those around them. They are intuitive souls and love to look beyond what the eye may see.  

The Otter loves to see others happy in life and enjoy it when people they know, and love are making it in life. Otters are never selfish, but more selfless with a beaming sense of generosity beyond other people’s understanding at times.  

Otters make great friends and companions; they will always pay interest to their friend’s’ needs with a sensitive and undivided attention. 

On the downside of their personality, they can become rebellious, unscrupulous, and sometime detached from society, especially when their “Out of the Box” perception fails to compare with others. This detachment gives Otters the sort of freedom they most often crave when it comes to living life on their terms.  

Native Americans regarded the Otter as the one who can bring one closer to the Divine World as possible, because they represent the best image of humanity could ever possess. It also gives us a chance to compare ourselves with the Otter and to emulate all its traits.  


12/ Wolf

Date: February 19 to March 20 
Element: Air and Water 
Western Zodiac: Pisces  
Colour: Blue / Green 
Stone/Mineral: Turquoise, Jade 
Traits: Sensitive, Intuitive, Generous 
Compatible With: Bear, Woodpecker, Snake 

We all tend to see the Wolf as this lone, dangerous, and deadly creature, the native Americans see him as a generous and caring creature. Those belonging to this clan are extremely sensitive to their surrounding environment, just like the Wolf. Positive and negative energy will affect the Wolf, which is why they are likely to lose themselves in the joys and troubles of those around them. 

Wolves will sacrifice themselves to fulfill their needs. Their gentleness and generosity will make life seem to be a lovable journey indeed! However, if they suffer from an emotional blow, which they often do, these people can become extremely revengeful, resistant to change or authority, and impractical. They need someone to keep their head straight and their demeanour composed during turbulent times, else they can become highly vicious and wild. 

The Wolf is a hunter who is strongly attached to its pack, so too is true of people born under the Wolf, they will hunt for spiritual fulfilment and meaning to life. They belong to their own pack and the loss of any member, or their permanent love, can prove devastating to them.  

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