Pendulums - Your Spiritual Guide to Answers


Ah, the humble Pendulum, a tool of insight, guidance, and spiritual healing, this small, yet immensely powerful tool has been used by Psychics and Healers since ancient times for divination, locating things or simply seeking the answer to questions. These pendulums were generally made from a crystal or a gold ring hanging from a silk cord or gold chain. There is evidence that the Ancient Egyptians would use pendulums as dowsing and divination tools.

Difference between Dowsing and Divination

I believe that Dowsing is the practice of seeking out substances or objects with the aid of a rod or pointing device and that Divination is the art of foreseeing or foretelling future events, so in a way, a Pendulum is both a Dowsing and Divination Device.

Traditionally, Dowsing is a practice employed to find ground waters, buried metals or ores, gemstones, oil, or malign Earth Vibrations such as Lay Lines. This form of Dowsing is commonly known as Divining, named after the rods used to find objects and materials. Pendulum Dowsing can be done in the same way as Divining Rods however, in this method the Pendulum is held over a map to locate what the mystic is seeking.

Divination with a Pendulum works to answer simple yes / no questions. The Pendulum is held over the Chart while the seeker asks their question. Depending on how the Pendulum swings, the seeker will get their answer.

What are Pendulums made of?

This will depend on the individual who is using the Pendulum. Some people prefer Crystals, some love the Metal Pendulum of Copper, Silver or Gold and there are others who think a Pendulum should only be made of Wood. There is a consensus within the Holistic Healing Community that a Wooden Pendulum on a thread is best used for receiving the greatest clarity when diagnosing Clients dis-ease. The theory is the Gemstones, Crystals and Metals tend to absorb energies which may influence the information received.

Pendulums can be made using Crystals and Gemstones, even Glass, Metals such as Copper, Gold and Silver, Wood and even the new kids on the block “Orgonite / Orgone” and the string / thread used can be chain, thread, hemp cord and even fine fishing line. How you want your Pendulum to look is entirely up to you.


What can I use a Pendulum for?

A Pendulum can be used in many ways, the most common form is an answer to questions you may have or insight for a decision you must make. The Pendulum taps into your intuition acting as a receiver / transmitter from a higher guidance. The closed questions are asked (meaning the answer is either Yes / No or Maybe) and the Pendulum will swing to reveal the answer. The Pendulum is generally held over an “Answer Chart” allowing the Querent to see the answer clearly.

The Pendulum can be used to find Lost Objects, Pets or People, they have been used to find Lay Lines in the Earth and to find Minerals, Oil and Water just like their Dowsing cousins the Divining Rods. This method generally requires the Pendulum to be held over a Map, Drawing or Photo, the Pendulum is slowly moved motionless over the space, waiting for it to swing or drop on a point, this generally suggests where the item in question is located.

The Pendulum can even let you know what the sky will likely be for the following day. This divination is best done the night before using a Weather Chart and will give you an indication of what weather you are more likely to encounter when you rise.

How are Pendulums used in Healing?

Holistic Healers have been using Pendulums for making diagnoses and determining the best treatment for their clients’ conditions for Centuries. Pendulums promote healing and are used to seek out invisible energies that may be out of balance or blocked.

Pendulums can be used to help balance the Chakra and Meridian Systems, align the Aura and are extremely useful in Crystal Healing Sessions. They are not only used for diagnosis and locating areas of dis-ease, but they are beneficial in choosing the right remedy. Pendulums are held over a range of treatments, such as Crystals, Herbs, Elixir, Flower Essence, Essential Oils and even Music to determine the most appropriate remedy for the Client.


A few things to consider before using your Pendulum!

  • Choosing a Pendulum – Don’t just go out a buy any old Pendulum, let the Pendulum choose you, especially when choosing a Crystal Pendulum. The one that catches your eye, and you can’t live without is usually the one for you.
  • Cleanse the Pendulum – This one is important; you need the Pendulum to be clear of any outside influences and negative vibrations and to be tuned to you and your intent. Depending on what Pendulum you have (Stone, Metal, Wood) will determine what cleanse you will do. The best is a Sage Smudge cleanse, it is safe to do on all mediums and wont damage the Pendulum like water can. Some other great cleansing tools are 1. Salt, simply place salt in a bowl and put the pendulum on top. 2. Palo Santo is perfect for cleansing and like Sage, it will not damage the Pendulum. TIP: Cleansing can be done before and after every divination.
  • Set your Intent – It is key to prepare mind and energy before any divination. Take a few moments to clear your mind and open yourself up to a higher consciousness. Set your intention on your session ahead and be open to all information you receive.
  • Notebook – Keep a notebook of your sessions. This is where you can write your questions down and the responses you receive. A notebook will help you keep focused and will allow you to see previous sessions, helping you to stop asking the same questions over and over. If using your Pendulum for Healing, the notebook will help you track the therapy.
  • Set a sacred space up – I find it beneficial to have a sacred space where you can do your divination work. This can be a small table you use just for this kind of work, or an Altar you have set up and you use for all the time.
  • Pendulum Charts (Optional) - A Pendulum chart for Question Sessions is an ideal tool to have on hand. The Chart is set out with the answers written on it (like a Ouija Board) helping you to get your answers.


How to use a Pendulum for Questions!

The Pendulum taps into your Sixth Sense ability, acting like a transmitter / receiver from your Guardian Angels or Higher Guides. It picks up the vibrational energy and helps guide you in your quest for answers.

  • QUESTIONS: The first thing you want to do is prepare your questions. These questions should be asked in a way that the answer is Yes, No or Maybe / Neutral. These are generally considered Closed Ended Questions. EG: Should I ask the Boss for a pay rise today?
  • DEFINE THE RESPONSE SWING: If you are not using a Chart, you will need to define the direction of the swing for your answer. Most people will use the “Side to side / up and down / circular” method for their responses. You will need to assign a directional swing to a response by asking the Pendulum to show you. Simply ask the Pendulum to show you, “What does NO look like?” and “What does YES look like?’ and “What does MAYBE or NETURAL look like?” for example “What does NO look like?” and the pendulum swings in a vertical motion (Up and Down), then this will signify a NO response to your questions. A horizontal motion (Side to Side) will indicate a YES response and a Circular Motion (Clockwise or Anticlockwise) will indicate a MAYBE or NETURAL response. Now ask a question you know the answer, to test the Pendulums responses, EG: ask “Is it raining today?” and see the response.
  • SET YOUR INTENT: Before starting a Pendulum Session, prepare yourself. This can be done by sitting for a few moments to clear your mind and set your energy. A great way to prepare before a Pendulum Session is to clear and cleanse the space. Sage Smudge or Palo Santo Smudge is a perfect way to clear out any negative vibrations and clear your energy.

A few don’ts for Pendulum use

Like any divination tool, the Pendulum can be misused, please use your Pendulum wisely and follow these simply rules:

  • Please don’t use a Pendulum when you are unbalanced, angry or emotional, you will not get an accurate response during these times.
  • Please don’t use the Pendulum for divination of another person unless you have their permission or blessing.
  • Understand the limits Pendulum Divination has. The response can only be YES, NO, MAYBE. If you require more information, try introducing another medium into your session for further clarification and insight.
  • Please do not use the Pendulum Divination to replace expert medical advice, this should be the same for all Holistic Healings, Readings and Divinations.
  • Please do not become solely reliant on Pendulum Divination. Remember the best tool you can use when making decisions is YOU. All you need is to look within for the answers you seek.


Pendulums are one of the easiest forms of Divination you can learn and use. Unlike Tarot, you don’t have 78 cards to learn and connect with, or the Runes and the 24 Stones you need to tune with and unlike Tasseography, you won’t have to identify symbols and interpret the messages found in the shapes left from Tea Leaves. Pendulum Divination can help raise your self-confidence, increase your intuition, and inspire you to help others who may need guidance.


I hope this blog has inspired you to start some divination work using Pendulums and to help you on your new journey, please see out range of Pendulums here at our website.


Blessed Be!!

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