Spirit Animals

In many cultures there is a belief that we travel our life path with Spirit Guides along side us, this even includes Animals. Spirit Animals are all around us, whether we notice them or not. They are there to teach us, guide us and communicate with us, it’s up to us to open ourselves enough to hear what they are telling us.

I believe we all have at least 2 Spirit Animals guiding us throughout life. We all know the saying “As Above, So Below”, well that’s true with Spirit Animals, I believe we have one Spirit Animal from above and below, meaning one Spirt Animal from the Sky and one from the Land.

They may come and go throughout our journey, but they are always there when we need them. They are there to give us strength, love, and hope and when we need it, give us comfort.

I don’t feel that a Spirit Animal needs to have left this life to be a guide. Have you ever had an Animal cross your path and stop you from doing something? Perhaps a Dog has stopped you from walking a certain street, did they sense danger in that area and protect you from it?

The Spirit Animal brings us messages in different ways, they may physically cross your path, come to us during Meditations and in Dreams or simply be your Pet at your feet today.

They often represent the qualities and traits within each of us, you may find that the behaviours and character traits of your Spirit Animal are like your own behaviours and traits. Do you do things your own way and like to spend time alone? Your Spirit Animal may be a Crane, who is Independent and likes Solitude.


How do you know what your Spirit Animals is?

That’s easy, all you need to do is:

  1. Pay attention to the Animals in your dreams
  2. Look back to see what connections you may have had in the past with Animals.
  3. What affinity do you have with a particular Animals (what’s your favourite)?

There are thousands of different Spirit Animals to guide us, they all come in different shapes and sizes and there are some Animals you would have never thought to be Spirit Animals.

Your Spirit Animal can be an Ant to a Snake or a Rat to a Bear, it is not only what you are drawn to, that makes it your Spirit Animal, but most of the time your Spirit Animal will pick you.


So, what are the meanings of Spirit Animals. Here are a few of the more common Animals and their attributes:

Ant: Hard Worker, Team Player

Bear: Strong, Confident, Teacher

Butterfly: Transformative, Adaptive, Embraces Change

Crow: Mischievous, Analytical, Clever

Dog: Protector and Guardian

Fox: Cunning, Patient, Problem Solver

Horse: Wise, Powerful, Respectful

Owl: Solitude, Wisdom, Intuition

Tiger: Determined, String Willed, Brave

Wolf: Powerful, Competitive, Team Player


Once you have discovered what your Spirit Animals is, there are a few things you should do.

  1. Learn all you can about your Spirit Animal.
  2. Write down all the traits and characteristics of your Animals and compare them to your own traits
  3. Listen to the messages your Spirit Animal may be sending to you
  4. Write down each time you see your Spirit Animal, either in physical form or during Meditations and Dreams. (Physical form can also be on TV and in books / magazines)
  5. Honour your Spirit Animal, give thanks to them. This can be a simple picture on your phone or on your Sacred Space Altar.


Have fun with discovering your Spirit Animal and I hope I have inspired you to learn more and follow your Spirit Animal.


Blessed Be.

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